
Modern living spaces require furnishing solutions that are both very functional and versatile. The Sofa Bed line includes four sofas in different sizes with up to 4 seats. They can be selected according to the space and style of the home, and personalised with fabrics and colours suggested by our expert stylists.

In a simple movement, a practical steel mechanism turns the sofa into a comfortable bed to sleep on every night in total comfort. An excellent night’s sleep is ensured by the high quality of the Mode mattress produced in Myform Memory Clima and Myform Air featured on all models.

Truly optimum comfort that only the extensive experience of Dorelan, who accompanies the MyBed project, is able to offer.

Не останавливайся здесь! Наши эксперты по сну ждут вас.

Для ощущения уникального комфорта в полной гармонии и релаксе. Мы в Dorelan слушаем потребности людей и используем все наши усилия, чтобы найти продукт, отвечающий именно вашим требованиям.
Настоящий секрет здоровья, долголетия и молодости.

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